Turkey Land Cove Foundation offers a working residency for motivated woman to pursue their professional, educational and/or artistic goals away from the distractions of daily life. Turkey Land Cove (TLC) provides a quiet home on Martha's Vineyard to achieve progress towards a defined goal, complete a project, and/or develop tools to propel women's lives in a new direction. We offer three sessions a year, two for new applicants and one session for returning alumni.

All residencies are two weeks long, including full room and board and partial travel expenses to the island. Annual income should not exceed $75,000 but consideration is given to reasonable circumstances. The process includes submitting the online application, providing references and supplemental documentation supporting your project.
The foundation is not currently accepting applications.
If you would like to learn what is in our future
- and possibly your future as well - add your
name to our e-mail list.

We are always looking for new ways to expand our reach and help as many women as possible to achieve their professional, educational or artistic goals. If you would like to be notified about upcoming deadlines or stay current with Foundation news, please send an e-mail to director@turkeylandcovefoundation.org