About the Residency
Our natural setting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life is perfect for achieving focus. Residencies are offered from September 15th to June 15th. Residencies are between one, two, and three weeks and the week starts and ends on Friday.
Upon your arrival at the Turkey Land Cove Foundation property, you will be provided a tour of the property. Meals will be provided by Winston's Kitchen based on your food preferences. Our housekeeping staff will maintain the house, a garden crew will maintain the property.
We accept applications from residents of the United States.
Our Grants
TLC Foundation will review the financial circumstances of each applicant and will only make grants to women who could not afford a personally financed residency. Our grants cover room and board plus reasonable transportation expenses. Based on individual circumstances, stipends will be considered to help fund some travel expenses, as well as material expenses critical to the success of the grant project.
After her stay, each grantee will be required to submit an annual report
updating the board on the progress towards her goal and how our residency contributed to her success. Reports are due annually for three years, during the anniversary month of the original residency.