Masha - writer
Thank you for the gift of time, our most expendable resource –
no greater gift can be given.
And thank you for allowing me to inhabit this beautiful space. The thought and
care that went into making it were apparent immediately and became more
apparent each day.
Thank you for this time in quiet. The silence itself was a gift. I could hear the voices of my characters, and I could hear my own voice. I had been longing for silence, more than I knew.
Kitty, Emily, Cindy and Ruth, along with the board members of Turkey Land Cove Foundation: thank you – and imagine those words writ large and thick. I not only finished the novel mss. But I fortified myself for what’s ahead. Tho we began as strangers, I feel wordlessly connected to you through this space and time.
Brynn - entrepreneur
It feels really good to add my name and notes to this book and to add my experience to the collection of retreats had here at Treehouse 2. It’s hard to believe but I feel such gratitude and so much peace from my two weeks here. This place is so right for the qualities of retreat, the quiet, the trees, the cove, the deck, the sunlight and various places to sit or rest or work or read. I’m amazed that I can feel this rested but also this accomplished. I wrote and read more than I usually do in 6 months! But somehow also rested and played and wandered. I couldn’t ask for a more fulfilling or rewarding experience and I will carry it with me always. I hope that my work will continue to further the mission of TLC and hopefully serve future TLC retreaters!
Cindy - writer
As others have said before me, it seems trite to say “thank you.” The words and phrase are much too small to express my huge gratitude for being allowed to come here. Everything about the experience has been amazing; from the house itself, to the meals, to the time and space it gave me to work on my play that celebrates the life of a pioneering and extraordinary woman. But so much like the TLC Foundation is a secret that shouldn’t be. Here, alone, like my heroine Prudence Crandall was at the time I write about her, I was able to see and hear Prudence and –
I believe –bring her to life. My goal for my time here was to write a first draft of this play and I am excited to say that goal was achieved! Cindy’s fantastic food, Emily’s attention to detail and Kitty’s generosity nurtured me in body, soul and spirit. Free of any care and surrounded by the Vineyard’s stark winter beauty, I was able to do what I have found impossible to do at home because of unavoidable demands. Here, I was able to focus on me and the story I have so long needed to tell. Curled up in front of the fire with my notebook or sitting at attention at the table with my laptop, the words flowed! Thanks to TLC, I now have a first draft of a play that, if all goes as planned, could be completed and in the first stages of production by the end of the year –wow! This week was transformative on so many levels. A dream. A gift.
Una - artist
Thank you from my heart for helping me realize my vision and develop my artwork. I'll be back!
Katherine - photographer
I created images that were different from my usual work. I found the freedom to experiment with new techniques and compositions. I shot in the middle of the day when I felt like it, something that I never do (it is usually against the "rules" of landscape photography). I experimented with using textures on images and creating abstract, minimalist images. At the end of it all, I feel I have created a body of new work that is varied in scope and style, and I have found new inspiration to continue exploring the new directions of work that I found here.
Ambreen - social entrepreneur
The last two weeks at TH2 (which I have dubbed Truly Heavenly, Too!) have just been incredible on so many levels and I am eternally grateful. The beauty surrounding me was breathtaking and inspirational. From the ever-constant flow of the cove, the symphony of the birds, the spectacular trees and the magical early morning light, I found the peace and tranquility that I needed for the ideas and plans for my project to just flow.
It has been fantastic to see the seed of an idea that I have had for a while now, emerge into something real right here and I cannot wait to see it grow into something beautiful.
Thank you so much for opening this door and supporting me in this journey.
The following quotes are from our guest book, signed by grantees after their stay at TH2.
Photo by Pam Loring, Fall 2014 Grantee