Applications are not currently being accepted...stay tuned!
Our Application Process
Turkey Land Cove Foundation provides residencies from mid-September to mid-June, including holidays. Applicants are requested to describe their project and goals for their time spent at TLCF, their anticipated length of stay (between one week and three weeks), their desired visitation dates, and their financial circumstances.
Once applications are received, our Executive Director will contact you if there are any questions. Following receipt of a completed application (application form, resume, and three written references), our board members will review and rank all applications. All applicants will be notified of the board's determination via email. Applicants who have successfully made it through the first review will be contacted for a telephone interview. All final applicants will undergo a background check and be asked to submit proof of income.
Grants will be considered for women with valid U.S. citizenship, at least 21 years of age. There is no set parameter for the scope of work of our grantees, only that they have clearly defined and reasonable goals, and able to use the time and space to progress towards those goals.
Application Guidelines
In order to be considered for a residency, all application materials must be received by the deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Application: Applications are available on the "Apply Now" page six weeks before each session deadline in addition to the link for references. Additional samples of your work can be emailed to director@turkeylandcovefoundation.org by the deadline in word, jpeg, or pdf format only.
Collaborative Projects: Only one grantee can be accommodated at a time. In rare circumstances, small groups (2 to 4 individuals) of women wishing to work collaboratively on one project will be considered. Each member of the group will need to submit an individual application stating their unique contribution to the project.
Stipend Requests: Stipends will occasionally be granted to help cover additional expenses that are needed to support a grantee's ability to participate in a residency. Stipend requests may include travel expenses from outside the Northeast region, material expenses critical to the success of the grant project, or other expenses that the grantee would not be able to cover on her own. Stipends are typically awarded as a percentage of the total expense.
Residency Dates: Once you have been determined a successful candidate and residency dates are confirmed, grant periods cannot be changed. In case of health or personal emergencies, an applicant may re-submit her application for consideration for a future grant period.
Returning Grantees: Alumnae can re-apply for another residency provided their application is at least one year after their last residency date. A new application must be submitted by the deadline, only Alums that are in good standing with all annual reports will be considered.
If you have any questions about our application process, please contact Barbara Welsh, Executive Director at director@turkeylandcovefoundation.org.